How to Feed Beef Heart to the Fish

  1. #1

    Default Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

    Hi everybody! Long time no post.(If you still remember me.....)

    I have learned from an article on African Cichlids that meat from any warm-blooded animal, and especially beef heart, is bad for our fish ...... so how about our Discus?

    Actually I have started a thread on it in their forum:

    Any thoughts?


  2. #2

    Jason is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

    I think the problem most of those people had was caused by feeding the beefheart to fish that did'nt have the digestive systems to handle it.

    and or, they werent doing the amount of w/c's required when feeding it.

  3. #3

    Carol_Roberts is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

    Hi Karl Wu:
    You haven't posted here in a while. Do you have any new discus? Did you see we gave away the CD's you donated in our April contest? Thanks again for the donation.

  4. #4

    Al_M. is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

  5. #5

    Mike_Selley is offline

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  6. #6

    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

    I've raised three generations of Bing Seto's Red Cobalts strictly on pure beefheart. No problems yet.


  7. #7

    Mike_Selley is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?


    Is that beef heart only you're talking about or a beef heart mixture?

  8. #8

    jeep is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?


    Can you please explain why you feel the beefheart was the cause of you losing fish?

    Not arguing, but I feed beefheart mix about 100% to my fish and I've never had a problem until recently and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it...



  9. #9

    Mike_Selley is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?


    It's been a while now, but they seemed to bloat like they were bound up or something and Epson salt would help in some cases, and in some cases it wouldn't. I have often wondered since then if maybe the flake food and tetra bits in the beef heart mix might have had something to do with it, or I have heard some strains are prone to that type of disorder anyway.
    I'm not saying beef heart is bad by any means, because my discus grew like crazy on it, but then when you start getting casualties it really makes you wonder.

  10. #10

    Mike_Selley is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?


    It's been a while now, but they seemed to bloat like they were bound up or something and Epson salt would help in some cases, and in some cases it wouldn't. I have often wondered since then if maybe the flake food and tetra bits in the beef heart mix might have had something to do with it, or I have heard some strains are prone to that type of disorder anyway.
    I'm not saying beef heart is bad by any means, because my discus grew like crazy on it, but then when you start getting casualties it really makes you wonder.

  11. #11

    jeep is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

    Thanks Mike, I think my problem is I've been very busy with work recently and rather than feeding several small portions daily, I've been feeding 2 large portions each day.

    I have a feeling that was an issue in losing a really nice RD the other day...

  12. #12

    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

    Mike: I usually feed 100% beefheart. Recently, I squirt in some baby vitamins in the mix. I have tried frozen broccoli and frozen spinach in the past, but its just more messy.


  13. #13

    Denny is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?


    Are you still using the ground turkey?

  14. #14

    Mike_Selley is offline

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  15. #15

    dasbcard is offline

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    Default Re:Beef heart, not a good food for fish.....?

    hi, i am new to this and also been debating w/ myself whether to feed beef heart. i've heard from several people that beef heart could make the fish sterile due to the growth hormones that were given to the cow. these hormones usually remain in the organs heart included. please let me know your view on this.


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