While there is no hard and fast rule every bit to how to train your child to utilize the potty, at that place are many helpful tips and tricks that can make the potty training procedure easier and more comfortable for both you and your child.   Below we have compiled a list of practise's and don't'due south for you to consider during this of import stage in your child'due south life!

Dos and donts of potty training


DO have a couple of pairs of underwear and pants in each bathroom that the child will use.   You may too want to proceed a spare modify of clothes, and a large Ziploc bag (for soiled wearing apparel) in your motorcar or bag.

DO begin past transitioning the child in pull-ups. They will familiarize the child with the concept of wearing underwear but will exist be more comfortable than wet underwear during grooming.

Exercise proceed a box of flushable baby wipes on top of the toilets used by the child.   They will exist familiar to the child from their diaper days and can be more comfortable than toilet paper when they are first learning.

Exercise accept a pace stool in the bathrooms the child utilizes so they tin can easily go on and off the toilet. The step stool too doubles as a seat for mom or dad to sit while the child is on the toilet.

Exercise allow the child to lookout man siblings apply the potty so they are more comfy with the idea of doing it.

DO plan for accidents! They will occur and it's of import to let the child know information technology'southward ok and quickly clean them up.   Positive reinforcement works to continue the kid motivated to keep trying.

Exercise have multiple sets of sheets and mattress pads for the child'south bed so that if an accident happens, you tin hands clean things up.

DO buy some Febreeze Antibacterial spray. It works magic on wet mattresses and keeps the bacteria from building up on the mattress.

Practice take gear up times to identify the child on the potty so they can develop a routine.   When they wake up, before bathtime, etc. – these are all great times to implement into a routine.

DO get the child used to practicing good hygiene by washing their hands every time they exit the bathroom.

Practise incorporate cobweb-rich foods into their nutrition to help their natural digestion.   Apple tree juice, dried apricots, grapes, and soybeans all can help a child who is constipated.



DON'T exist afraid to talk almost "going potty" often.   Oftentimes enquire the child if they need to use the potty.

DON'T compare the child's rate of progress to another sibling'southward. Each child is different and comparison wil not only make the child feel inadequate, but the child may develop a fear of using the bathroom (for fright of not doing information technology right) which could lead to other, major problems.

DON'T be afraid to throw underwear away if they are also soiled.   While information technology's non economical to throw every pair that gets soiled away, information technology's good to know when a pair has met information technology's match.

DON'T kickoff potty grooming the child when they are ill.

DON'T offset potty grooming if y'all are under a lot of stress. The child can pick up on your stress and may confuse your annoyance with something else as badgerer at them.

DON'T strength the child.   If they aren't cooperating, crying, or uncomfortable to the indicate of being comfortless, then the child is probably not ready.

DON'T give upward! This is a difficult skill to teach, just well worth the try.   Just inquire any mom who has survived information technology!