Keep Calm and Believe in Yourself Coloring Page

As you may know, I am a big fan of colouring pages for adults and teens and I really love quote coloring pages. I find them really relaxing and they help me switch off from the everyday stresses of the modern world and do something that is screen free and that I enjoy.  With the new year almost upon us, I have been looking at inspirational quotes colouring pages for adults and kids.   These combine my love for colouring and my passion for a great inspirational positive quote.

Inspirational Quotes Colouring Pages

I have to say that I have been a fan of inspirational quotes since my second job.  My boss had them everywhere and I stopped thinking of them as corny and started to think of them as positive affirmations.  I currently have quite a few around my home including "Dream Big", "Choose Joy",  "Create" and "You are so loved"  and this is just the ones I can see sitting down to type this!

2 Free Inspirational Colouring Pages for you to print

Inspirational Quotes Colouring Pages for Adults and Kids

Celebrate your new year's resolutions or intentions with these simple, but ace inspirational quotes colouring pages for adults and kids.  I have a couple for you of my own.

Every Day is a gift and Be awesome today

Inspirational Quotes Colouring Pages for Adults and Kids

In addition to those two free quote coloring pages for adult printables, I have rounded up some great inspirational quotes colouring pages from around the web.

Over 75 Inspirational Quotes Colouring Pages

There are so many printable quote coloring pages out there, with some amazing inspirational words to suit most occasions.  Quote coloring pages are perfect for days when you are down or need a pick me up.  They remind us of beautiful times or that there will be fabulous days in the future.

  1. Dream catcher
  2. Color my heart happy
  3. Keep Calm and Read
  4. Let Love Rule Free Coloring Page
  5. I am not defined by my scars coloring page
  6. Live as if…
  7. Today is going to be awesome
  8. You are always
  9. Perspective changes everything
  10. Follow your heart
  11. Kindness Looks Amazing on You
  12. Be-YOU-Tiful Free Printable
  13. Everything you want is on the other side of Fear
  14. Your dream does not have an exploration date
  15. Everything will be OK
  16. Dr Seuss inspirational quotes
  17. Happiness is…..
  18. Make Yourself Proud Free Coloring Page
  19. Failure is not final quote coloring page
  20. Be patient with yourself
  21. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
  22. I see you (and I gotta say I'm impressed)
  23. You Are My Sunshine" Free Coloring Prints
  24. No grumpy attitudes coloring page
  25. Be confident – you're gonna rock this!
  26. The world smiled
  27. Do all things with love
  28. Inhale courage, exhale fear quote coloring page
  29. I'm not giving up!
  30. A Rainbow in Someone's Cloud
  31. Today is Going to Be Awesome
  32. Dwell in possibility
  33. Life isn't about finding yourself…
  34. 1 Corinthians coloring page
  35. Whatever our souls
  36. Helen Keller Quote
  37. I Nearly Fell Off My Unicorn
  38. City on a Hill Adult Coloring
  39. Be Owl-some
  40. We rise by lifting others
  41. Just let it go
  42. 10 Empowering Quotes Colouring Pages
  43. If you don't have chocolate
  44. The smallest act of Kindness
  45. I believe in myself coloring page
  46. Have Courage and Be Kind
  47. Dream it, Do it
  48. You are loved quote coloring page
  49. So lucky
  50. You are my sunshine
  51. Its not what you look at
  52. Wherever you go, Go with your heart
  53. Cactus Resilience Quote
  54. Hello Lovely
  55. What are you doing for others?
  56. Let me adjust my crown and get the day started
  57. Stay Safe
  58. This is only temporary
  59. Collect Moments
  60. If you can be anything, be kind
  61. You belong among the wildflowers
  62. Those who say it cannot be done should never interrupt those doing it
  63. Coffee & Friends
  64. The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
  65. Motivational
  66. Choose hope today
  67. Do all things with kindness
  68. Your dream does not have an expiration date
  69. Never be afraid to trust
  70. It always seems impossible until it is done
  71. Do what makes you feel amazing
  72. Dance like nobodies watching…
  73. Colour outside the lines
  74. Colour my heart with kindness
  75. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!
  76. Home is where the heart is
  77. Negative People
  78. Think of the Mess
  79. Butterfly Truth
  80. I love everything about you
  81. The best is yet to come
  82. Everything will be okay
  83. Imperfection is beauty coloring page
  84. Positive thinking will let you do everything better
  85. Now is the time
  86. Grow in Grace
  87. Be kind or be quiet

If you like these colouring pages, then take a look at my others:

  • Free colouring pages for adults
  • Mummy and me colouring pages
  • More great colouring pages for adults
  • Halloween colouring pages
  • Free Festive colouring pages
  • Minions colouring pages
Inspirational Quotes Colouring Pages facebook

Colouring Books to buy with Inspirational Quotes


Creative Coloring Inspirations: Art Activity Pages to Relax and Enjoy (UK Link/US Link)


Good Vibes Coloring Book (UK Link/US Link)


Coloring for Inspiration (An adult coloring book with thought-provoking and smile-inducing quotes) (UK Link/US Link)


We are currently loving using Staedtler Triplus colour pens (UK Link/US Link) – they do not bleed through the paper, which is great for adults and kids and they are really bright.  Plus you can get different nib sizes.  I also love the way they stand up in the packaging, so you can see the colours.

Colouring Supplies:

I am often asked what products I use and I am a big advocate of using the best supplies you can afford.  It is really frustrating to use pencils that keep snapping or refuse to blend well, oh and don't get me started on pens that bleed through the paper.  I always buy the best quality I can afford, not just for me but for my kids too.  I want colouring to be a joyful experience.  These are mine and the

These are mine and the MiniMad's suggestions to you.  Our tried and tested favourites.  When I first started colouring I just pinched the boy's products, which is why adult colouring is so accessible and over the period of a year I now have my own supplies!

Keep Calm and Believe in Yourself Coloring Page


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